Hi I'm looking for the servo/poilet pressure for 60ckb, I don't have any oil pressure/supply at joysticks, oil cooler fan motor is working ok which is driven from the poilet pump and solenoid valves are working ok....any body got any ideas or a manual for this machine that covers the servo system?Steve
Top Replies
Look for 350-400 psi. That is pretty average across the board and should be operable.
Thanks for the info on the pressure, any info or diagram covering the flow of oil, release velves ect...
Dancing Digger
Good day DDA contact has a manual unfortunately it is to so informative apart from a hydraulic schematic if that is helpful I will ask for a copy?Kind regardsUffex
Hi there Uffex,Thanks for your reply, if that manual covers the Poclain 60 >CKB< model I would glad to have a copy of it.Steve...
Dancing Digger
Good day StevePM me your email and I will post the information.Kind regardsUffex