We use revision nos for turnaround planning purposes. The time-based strategies are easy to do eg based on 54 weeks. For scheduling maint plans, using key date helps subsequent work order generation later on. Are going to use condition-based predictive maintenance in SAP? TQ
I am currently busy setting up preventive maintenance on SAP. I am structuring it under time based and not per running hour. I am still not very confident about the benfits of it. Predictive maintenance is very easy to incorporate into SAP even without using a Maintenance Plan. Do you have any tips on the best way to structure PM?
My experience is as follows: 1) Set up the time-based maint strategies first such as 1W, 2W, 3W etc, 1M, 2M, 3M ETC, 1Y, 2Y, 3Y ETC which are called maintpackages 2) Decide whether to do PM based on specific eqpt or functloc, within the same eqpt class, within the adjacent geographical location, same tasklist etc (each option has merits & demerits) 3) Come up with tasklist for the PM groupings to enter into standard text I'm puzzled with your opinion that predictive is easily incorporated into SAP without a maint plan. If so, how do you do it? TQ
You can incorporate predictive maintenance into SAP with the use of a Plan and strategy. After conducting your analysis on critical equipment you develop the strategy you require. You then need to create your maintenance items in your plan and run it from there. I prefer to use the Sub-Order transaction for additional work to be done after your predictive maintenance. This way you can only close out the main order once all the follow-up tasks have been completed. Regards, Ajay
In addition to a maint plan and strategy which are required for time-based preventive maintenance activities, I thought predictive maint which include condition monitoring activities will use counter and measurement points which need to be set up and updated before the next work order can be generated. TQ
quote: In addition to a maint plan and strategy which are required for time-based preventive maintenance activities, I thought predictive maint which include condition monitoring activities will use counter and measurement points which need to be set up and updated before the next work order can be generated. TQ Thats one of many differing approaches, the most common is to use a Maitnenace Plan to generate call objects for data collection and analysis, such as VA, Orders are then created manualy for any corrective actions. ATC