I was curious as to what was in the water separator on my 2032R so I removed it. Here's what I found. The red ring was in the bottom of the bowl with the strainer sitting on top. I suspect it was assembled incorrectly. Can anyone verify? In a two year old post by jgayman, he writes: Actually, there is a filter inside the water separator. In the 4105 operator's manual there are instructions for replacing this filter. It is odd that JD wants you to discard the filter each time as it is just a course plastic screen that can easily be cleaned. They have the same instructions in other tractor model manuals. What is really strange is that in the 2720/2032R operators manual they ONLY tell you to replace the fuel filter that is inside the water separator. There is no mention of the spin-on fuel filter. Weird, eh? Click to expand... I can confirm that the 2025R/2032R manual is the same. However the technical manual for the 2032R (that I was lucky enough to purchase before Mother Deere developed the $evere fondne$$) has better information in my opinion. Pay particular attention to paragraph 3, which I'm about to go do. One last question. Will water in dyed Diesel take on some of the dye and look red? Or just clear. If I knew that, I may have not taken it apart Thanks for any incites and answers.